Recognition of the TRNC is growing

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has been making strides toward recognition, with recent developments highlighting its diplomatic endeavors and engagement with international organizations. Will the TRNC finally achieve wide recognition?

Cyprus, the whole island, gained independence from the British in 1960. A “Partnership Republic” was formed on the newly independent island with two major ethnic entities.

The independence proved no good, for the Greek inhabitants pursued “enosis,” the unification policy with the Greek motherland.

EOKA was the terrorist organization dedicated to executing the unification. Even before the island became autonomous, this organization carried out violent campaigns, most of which ended in the death of numerous people.

Intercommunal violence was the status quo until 1974, the year of liberation for the Turkish folks on the island.

The fascist military coup in 1974 on the island forced Türkiye, one of the three guarantor states, to take military action to protect its people from brutality.

The intervention stemmed from a right enshrined in the 1960 Constitution of Cyprus.

The Turkish Cypriot community, fearing marginalization and discrimination, which had happened considerable times, declared independence in 1983 and established the TRNC.

The TRNC covers the island’s northern part, with its administrative capital in North Nicosia.

Despite meeting all of the criteria for statehood specified in the 1934 Montevideo Convention, only Ankara recognizes the country’s sovereignty.

This lack of recognition presents significant challenges, namely in international relations and trade, to the people and the state of the TRNC.

Though Türkiye is the only country that recognizes the TRNC as a legal entity, North Nicosia’s campaign is gaining traction.


The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is making efforts to gain international recognition. One notable development is the TRNC's participation as an observer in the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), a regional organization comprising Turkic countries.

The TRNC's inclusion in this organization is a significant step towards enhancing its diplomatic relations with other Turkic states and expanding its presence in regional forums.

Another noteworthy development is the recognition of the border separating the Greek and Turkic governments on NATO's interactive map.

The displaying of the border on the map can be read as an implicit recognition of the de facto administration on the island, though it does not mean a de jure one.

Furthermore, Finland, which recently became a member of the Alliance, shared a map on its official Twitter account that depicted the border between the southern and northern parts of Cyprus.

Although the post was removed shortly after, this act by Finland, a NATO member state, can be seen as an indirect recognition of the TRNC's existence.

NATO had also retweeted the post before it was removed, repeating the recognition of the de facto government.

Recognition of the border carries significance because the maps posted by other countries or organizations do not portray the line.

These recent developments highlight the TRNC's persistent efforts toward recognition and engagement with international organizations.

The TRNC's participation in the OTS and recognition of its border by NATO and NATO member states are seen as positive steps towards enhancing its diplomatic standing and legitimacy on the international stage.

However, the TRNC continues to face challenges in its pursuit of recognition. The Republic of Cyprus (Greek administration), which is recognized by the international community as the sole legitimate government of the entire island, opposes the TRNC's efforts for recognition and has sought to isolate it diplomatically.

Despite these challenges, the TRNC, with the support of Türkiye, remains determined to pursue the two-state solution to bring recognition to its government, people, and rights.

The TRNC emphasizes its commitment to a peaceful resolution and advocates for a comprehensive settlement that considers its legality, factuality, and being.

In conclusion, recent developments demonstrate that it is possible for the international community to adhere to the two-state solution in the coming future. Doing so will only be beneficial, as recognition will open the TRNC’s people to participate in the international society.

Mansur Ali Bilgiç -